15 MAY 2024




Smokefree Generation funding programme


NYC is set to receive an increase in investment over the next five years for our local stop smoking service - Living Well Smokefree.  This is part of the national ‘Stopping the Start: our new place to create a smokefree generation’ funding program. In this first year NYC will receive an additional £632k focused on ensuring:


·         Leadership, coordination, and commissioning is in place locally

·         Increasing the local resources to help people quit smoking

·         Building demand for local stop smoking service support and services


Cigarette smoking remains the single largest preventable cause of ill-health, death and disability.  The Tobacco and Vapes Bill that is currently going through Parliament would result in anyone turning 15 from this year banned from buying cigarettes, and also aims to make vapes less appealing to children.  The bill would make the sale of tobacco products, rather than the act of smoking, illegal. Trading standards officers would get new powers to issue on-the-spot £100 fines to shops selling tobacco or vapes to children, with all the money raised going towards further enforcement. There would also be new restrictions on flavours, packaging and the sale of vapes to make them less appealing to children.


NRS Healthcare/Medequip


NRS, who provide our Technology Enabled Care contract, and MedEquip, who deliver Community Equipment services, were subjected to a cyber-attack over the Easter period.  The attack focussed on internal data management systems and did not affect operational services directly (e.g. lifelines, alarms etc).  NYC worked closely with both providers to ensure business continuity and alternative referral routes were operating.  This was a national scale attack, not one solely focussed on North Yorkshire.  More than 30 Local Authorities across the country were affected, and the LGA were involved in supporting a national response.


Strategy Updates


The refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy is underway, and is the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board.  A consultation ran between January and March, with the responses currently being analysed and collated into a consultation report, which will inform recommendations to update the draft strategy, to be taken to Health and Wellbeing Board in May.


A draft strategy for autistic people of all ages across North Yorkshire is also being refreshed.  The work includes 8 Council departments, partner agencies including ICBs (West Yorks & Humber North Yorkshire), health and care providers, education, criminal justice, job centre & employers and the voluntary and community sector.  The consultation ran between November and March, with a number of different methods used to reach autistic people, carers/families, those who work with autistic people and wider members of the public. The consultation focussed on gaining feedback on strategy content, prioritizing actions, measuring success, strategy design and working together.  The responses are being analysed and collated into a consultation report, which will inform recommendations to update the draft strategy, which is due for approval by partner agencies and the Executive in Summer 2024.


Local Account 2022/23


The Local Account 2022-23 has now been published: Health and Adult Services Local Account | North Yorkshire Council.  The report shows how we have performed in delivering adult social care and public health services, and showcases people’s feedback and involvement with our services. 


Joint role with North Yorkshire Sport


Following successful support of the Strategic Leisure Review, the Public Health team have joined forces with North Yorkshire Sport to part-fund a Public Health Officer to embed into the wider North Yorkshire Sport team. The role will help the Council to develop a whole system approach to physical activity that enables our residents to be strong, independent and active throughout their lives.


National Public Services Apprentice of the Year


Angie Austin, our Head of North Yorkshire's Care Provider Services was in the final six for the PPMA (Public Service People Managers' Association) Apprentice of the Year competition. This is a national competition. Angie is using her experience as a finalist to shine a spotlight on our in-house services and to aid recruitment into the care sector.